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Monday, June 27, 2011

Catching Up!

Hey! I am very sorry that I haven't been posting. I've been really busy working on the Gold Award and finishing up Drivers Ed. Today was my first rehearsal for the play I'm directing for my Gold Award, and it went very well. I have the best volunteers ever!

Bible Passage! Matthew 8:18-22. This is a difficult and different passage and the gospel for today. The thing that sticks out to me is where a man volunteers to join Jesus, but asks to go bury his father first. Jesus replies: "Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead". It seems like a really tough statement. Jesus really won't allow the man to go bury his father? This passage is all about realizing that following God is never an easy journey. God will test you and you will meet hardships along the way, but the reward in Heaven will make it worth the trouble. For a good example of God testing someone, see the Book of Job but don't expect your trials to ever get that extreme. While you are being tested, God will still help and give you the strength and hope to keep pushing on. He would never expect you to do something impossible, after all. So I guess today's theme would be that it costs a little to follow, but it's worth it in the end!

My sister and I being Girl Scouts! 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Today was another interesting day. This morning the youth group sold Father's Day gifts to help us pay for AYC, which I am totally psyched about. Then I went to mass. I have always kind of thought about Father's Day as a minor holiday, but there is a significance to it that I realized today. Today in mass I sat behind a family that I have known for a long time. They're really sweet and the two kids always help out with altar serving and stuff. So when Father stood up to bless all of the fathers, it was kind of a shock when I remembered that they didn't have one. Their father passed away a few years ago. It was one of those smacks in the face that God sends that makes you realize something. That moment made me realize how sincerely lucky I am that I still have my father. I mean, my father had cancer when I was in second grade, and I JOKE about that sometimes with my friends. How disrespectful is that? I could have lost him, and I now realize how wonderful it is that he is still here with me and Catherine. He is a wonderful father, and I couldn't imagine a life without him. Father's Day has a whole new meaning to me.

Now, I think the most heartwarming thing about this moment was what happened next. Ever since their father passed away, their uncle has stepped up and helped them out a lot. He sits with them every week during mass and helps them out. Father asked all of the fathers and those who have acted as fathers to stand up. The uncle didn't stand up at first, but the mom nudged him to stand. He looked at her in disbelief, but she said something along the lines of "You deserve this blessing" before she forced him to stand. I was really touched by this. I think it really says a lot about a person when he is willing to sacrifice in order to help his family like that. I am really glad that the mom made him stand up because he really deserved it. He is truly an example.

So, the Father's Day passage was one of my favorites today. Actually, my absolute favorite. John 3:16. I've always had this weird thing about this passage. When I was a kid, it was my favorite passage because it's my birthday. March 16. As I've gotten older, that one passage tends to show up all the time in that weird way that they do. I got a hat with 3:16 on it for my birthday, it shows up when I am looking for comfort, that kind of thing. So having that passage today was really cool. There have been books written about it and there are so many ways to reflect on it, but I think that I'll reflect on the father side of it because of the whole Father's Day thing. John 3:16 says:
"For God so loved the world that he gave  his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life."
God is the ultimate father. He was willing to sacrifice what was dear to him so that his children would have a chance at eternal life. He gave us a direct way to him: Jesus. He set the stage so that our lives would all have a chance at being a journey to Heaven. There is no better gift. God gave us hope, and that is something that everyone needs. Even in the toughest times, you have a shot at Heaven because God will always love you. And his is an unconditional love, just the same way your father still loves you when you really screw up. So, I believe that the most fitting prayer today would be the Our Father. As you pray it, recognize the hope and unconditional love that God has for you and praise him for it. After, spend a few moments to treasure your father here on earth.

Happy Father's Day.

Catherine, me, and our awesome Daddy (:

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day With the Finches

Today was a pretty nice day. Grandpa and Grandma Finch came over for dinner for Father's Day, and Dad cooked some really awesome chicken. Everyone hung around for a bit afterwards and discussed how disappointing the lack of attendance in churches is today. Only my family. I love spending time with the Finches. Grandma is really sweet and has been there for me since I was born. Grandpa is tied with Catherine for the funniest person I know and is a really caring person. I am totally blessed to have such awesome grandparents!

I spent most of the day working out logistics for my Gold Award Project. I never realized how difficult it is to schedule around people's conflicts! But about two hours later, I got it down. I am totally ready to start this project! Well, except the whole application thing. That thing is so long it's daunting.  But I suppose that I will finish that up tomorrow. That only leaves the letter from the Retirement Home, and then I am ready to go! :D

I'm going to start what we would call a segment in JVTV terms. It's going to be called the Memorable Bible Quote of the Day (or MBQD for short). Today's quote is from (which is a really neat Catholic website, if you haven't checked it out). So here goes! :)

Both readings from USCCB are very applicable to many people's lives today and are very much to mine. I think I am going to stick to the Gospel because I'm not sure that I'm going to be very good at this. The main quote that sticks out from the Gospel (which is the passage where Jesus said "No one can serve two masters") is the quote that says "Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself". As a teenager in today's society, I love to keep myself busy. If I don't have a commitment every day, I find myself miserable. I think most teenagers will agree with me. However, this busy lifestyle has a few consequences. One of those consequences is STRESS. There is loads of it, and teenagers are known for being terrible victims of Stress. I become almost just as miserable because of the stress as I would be if I had nothing to do. I find myself lying awake at night with worries about the next day rushing through my mind, as many people probably do. However, Jesus offers a bit of comfort through his teachings. "Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself". How straightforward and perfect is that? If you trust in God, there is no reason to worry. Whatever happens happens. If you trust in God, he will make sure that you are strong enough to overcome even the toughest struggles that you will have to face. So next time you find yourself lying awake, unable to sleep because of all of the flooding thoughts, you can pray: Dear God, I am worried about what is going to happen tomorrow and in the future. Please give me the strength to remember that you said to not worry about the future and to know that you will give me the strength I need to overcome all of my obstacles. I love you and thank you for everything. 

Amen (:

Here's a picture of me and the wonderful Grandparents. I love you guys! 

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Longer Than it Should Have Been Introduction

My name is Ally and I've decided to start a blog. Though I'm not necessarily sure how this blog thing is going to go, I suppose it's worth a shot and it sounded like a neat idea.

I guess I'll start with a little about me so that you can get to know me. I'm in high school, though I'm starting the whole college application process (Scary!). I am involved in several activities such as Drama, Choir, Destination Imagination, Girl Scouts, and several groups at my church. Being Catholic is a huge part of who I am, thanks to my parents. My father is currently in the Diaconate program through the University of St. Thomas, and should become a deacon in about two years. My mother has worked for the Diocese for a while now, and currently serves as the Social Concerns and Family Life minister for St. Matthew's. I love and thank them both immensely for raising me right and for always being there for me. I also have a little sister named Catherine who is quite the card. I've never met a funnier person. I love her and she is my best friend.

I'm a strange kid, according to my friends, and I'm okay with that. My two favorite hobbies are reading and acting. I read all the time. My favorite book is A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. As for acting, theatre is a passion. I am going to be very sad at the end of this year when I have to give it up. I've done theatre forever, and I am currently rehearsing to play Sandy in Grease this fall at school. I also have acted in a few short movies for my school's film class and had a blast. Acting has done so much for my confidence and is so much fun. I'll always remember those good times. (:

Beside that, I love classic rock, Pirates of the Caribbean, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Phantom of the Opera, and Vitamin Water. I have the best friends I could ever ask for, I have the best family I could ever ask for, and I have been blessed. I hope that this blog actually turns out to be something. I will try my best. Thanks for taking the time to read this mess!

Here's a picture of me (on the left) and one of my best friends Melissa (on the right) after our Confirmation!